When it comes to self-improvement, there are thousands of books that help us tone our torsos, define our derrières, and build up our bods. But when it comes to happiness and health in life, people are surprised to learn that the #1 predictor of success is not our waist size or the number of zeros in our net worth but, instead, it's the quality of our social relationships. And yet, when we think about our formal education growing up, most of us sadly realize that no one ever taught us how to relate....
That's where The Relationship Diet comes in! Inspired by decades of scientific findings concerning which variables produce happy, healthy, and valuable relationships, The Relationship Diet is a philosophy about how humans relate that provides a framework, a vocabulary, and an overall education about how to build, maintain, and augment our relationships: at home, at work, and everywhere we go. In a simple, easy-to-understand approach, The Relationship Diet provides the relationship education we always wish we had (and need to have), but never received.
The Relationship Diet breaks relationships down into The Fifteen Fixables, factors that can be tweaked like the ingredients of a recipe, and the Four Core relationship factors which determine the "flavor" of one's relationship building abilities. Using this framework, we can determine what we do well when it comes to relating, what potentially holds us back, and how we can manage both to improve our relationships in every corner of life.
What people are saying...
"I never found myself really fitting in at work, and I wasn't sure why. I'm a sociable person - smart, friendly. I just didn't get it. After attending The Relationship Diet workshop, I finally had the realization I needed to break through. I loved it."
-Sara M., Los Angeles, CA
"I oversee a lot of employees in my current position. Before reading The Relationship Diet, I always had a difficult time selecting team members to work on projects. I selected them by skill and paid no attention to their relating styles. Now, how my employees relate determines with whom they work. We're all happier."
-Aaron S., New York, NY
"Our family is busy - soccer games, dance lessons, business trips. I wanted a way to connect with my husband and our children centered around a common theme of relationships. The Relationship Diet provided that foundation and improved our time together. My kids even have the factors committed to memory!"
-Rebecca G., Savannah, GA
Did you know The Relationship Diet predicts...
Current job satisfaction
Work/performance satisfaction
Colleague relationship happiness
Friend/family relationship happiness
Satisfaction with your personal life
Happiness in life (in general)
Optimism about the future
the book...

No one ever teaches you how to relate...
Think about it: when, in your formal education, has anyone ever explained what a “relationship” actually is? When, if ever, has anyone talked about the features of a successful, healthy, and mutually-beneficial relationship? And in what class has anyone ever provided insight about specific steps you could take to improve a struggling relationship or, more positively, to secure a strong relationship?
If you are like most people, the answer to those questions is likely, “Never! And how strange that I’ve never thought about that, Jim!” I know, right?! Some nice people might say, “Well, my parents taught me...I think,” upon which we all have a chuckle knowing how most of our parents just figured out ways not to kill each other over the course of their relationship (because, spoiler alert, nobody taught them how to do relationships, either). Others think back to that awkward day in grade school when boys and girls were separated and had to watch videos with bad acting about what to do when you had “weird feelings down there.” That’s not what this book is about...well, not exactly, but I suppose if you become better at relating, that could happen.
But relationships are not just romantic. In fact, the majority of the relationships we have in life are not of the romantic variety. From family to friends, colleagues to clients, we spend more time engaging with non-romantic partners than we do romantic ones in our day-to-day lives. Plus, our increasingly connected world has thrown some extra spice in the relationship recipe, particularly social/professional networking and online dating sites. The good news is this: a relationship is a relationship, and the variables that make a romantic relationship happy, healthy, and valuable are the same variables that make friendly, familial, and professional relationships stronger and more rewarding. Wouldn’t you like to know what those variables are?
In The Relationship Diet, James Mourey, Ph.D., combines half-a-century worth of social psychology research with over a decade of corporate consulting experience to provide a novel relationship framework that will forever change the way you think about and engage in relationships with others. Whether you are a senior executive seeking a better corporate culture (for your company) or a single soul seeking somebody to love (for yourself), The Relationship Diet provides the specific tools and language necessary to build better relationships in every corner of your life.
Dr. Mourey begins The Relationship Diet by discussing what a “relationship” is in the first place and why humans have evolved to value relating with others. From there, readers complete the RelatEd diagnostic, an assessment tool that provides unique, customized feedback regarding one’s relationship-building strengths (gains) and liabilities (losses). With diagnostic scores in hand, readers learn about the variables science tells us produce stronger relationships and develop an action plan to improve their relationships.
So, if you are ready to become a better boss, a better worker, a better colleague, a better parent, a better friend, a better partner, a better person, and maybe...just maybe...a better lover, let’s get started on the relationship education we should have learned as children but never did. Lest you think you’re the only person who wishes relationships in your life could be better, rest assured that one thing is certain: we can all relate.
Let’s do just that...

Sixty questions. Ten minutes. One goal: helping you discover what you do well when it comes to building and maintaining valuable relationships while simultaneously highlighting the liabilities potentially holding you back. The RelatEd diagnostic is revolutionary in its simple approach to capturing only those factors that matter the most when it comes to building happy, healthy relationships. Whether your relationships at work, at home, or among friends, the RelatEd diagnostic provides the metrics necessary to get the most out of The Relationship Diet.

From Los Angeles to New York, the halls of Harvard to the shores of Malibu, Dr. James A. Mourey has shared his insight, wit, and wisdom when it comes to building healthy relationships. From private equity firms to Greek Life and student organizations, non-profit organizations to C-suite executives, Dr. Mourey has challenged people all over the country to assess their relationship skills and to commit to improving their relationships to make them more productive, happier people.
Using his trademark sense of humor and interactive teaching style, Dr. Mourey first engages his audience with a crash course on human relationships with topics ranging from the biology of human relationships to the psychology of why we prefer bonding with one another. From there, Dr. Mourey introduces participants to the tenets of The Relationship Diet and reviews the group's aggregate results. Participants compare their personalized RelatEd scores to the group and then, in a guided session, small groups of teams work together to share their best practices and limitations so they can begin developing a relationship action plan based on their diagnostic results.
In a workshop that is equally as enlightening and engaging as it is entertaining, Dr. Mourey does his very best to make the world a better place, one relationship at a time.

Interested in a workshop for your group or organization? Have a question about The Relationship Diet or your RelatEd diagnostic results? Want to share a positive story or testimonial resulting from your experience with The Relationship Diet? We would love to hear from you! Please use the form below to contact us today!